Social commitment

The ORIBAY GROUP Management is firmly committed to doing business according to international recognized principles regarding Human Rights, Environment Management and Business Integrity and anti-corruption.

Consequently, ORIBAY GROUP has signed the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative of the corporate social responsibility for the application and the spread of the 10 Principles (P) in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

As a Global Compact signatory, ORIBAY GROUP,

  • P1, supports and respects the protection of fundamental human rights, internationally recognized, in the field of influence. Human rights are inherent rights for all human beings, with no difference of nationality, place of residence, sex, origin or ethnic group, race, religion, language, or other condition. These rights are interrelated, independent and indivisible. The respect and the support of human rights, also reinforces our relationship with stakeholders.
  • P2, ensures that it does not comply with the human rights violation. Consequently, we are against any kind of complicity, be it direct, beneficial or silent.
  • P3, supports the freedom affiliation and the effective recognition of the right to negotiate. The freedom affiliation means that employees, their representatives and Management can freely discuss their problems in order to reach agreements. Besides, we have a Labor Safety Management System which is certified according to ISO 45001.
  • P4, supports the elimination of any kind of forced work or work carried out. Basically, we are against slavery, servant work or debt bondage, child labour, storing deposits (financial or personal documents), physical or psychological violence (including sexual violence), total or partial restrictions of movement and threats.
  • P5, supports the elimination of the child labor. The child labor deprives childhood and dignity to children, so we respect the national legislation for fixing the minimum age and the convention #182 of the Work International Organization (WIO) which requires prioritizing the elimination of the worst type of work for minors under 18 years.
  • P6, supports the abolition of discrimination practices in employment and occupation. We are faced with any kind of discrimination of race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, nationality, social origin, age, disability, illness such as HVI, union affiliation and sexual orientation.

There is an Environment Management System, certified according to ISO 14001, which,

  • P7, keeps a preventive perspective which improves the environment. We prevent through evaluation, management and communication of risks.
  • P8, encourages initiatives for increasing environment responsibility. REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals of the European Union), Conflict Minerals y POP restricted material – Regulation are principal fulfilled legal and regulation requirements.
  • P9, favors the development and the diffusion of technologies which are respectful to the environment. We always look for the application of technologies which protect the environment, pollute less , require sustainable resources, recycle their spillage and products, and reduce the waste generation.
  • P10, works against corruption in all ways, including extortion and bribery. We are against bribery, extortion and other ways of corruption, promoting the transparency of all our activities.

Values coming from this responsibility fix the way we connect and/or work with our stakeholders (Administration, Suppliers, Customers, Employees, etc.), requiring their joining this social commitment.

Executive Manager

Jose Munoz

January 11, 2024

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